Saturday, March 31, 2007

I would like to take a moment and introduce you to the newest member of my family - ok so it's only me so he makes it a family lol! Meet Captain Crash! But I just call him Crash because well I can! Can you believe someone actually abandoned this little cutie?!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I just learned how to import my blog onto my facebook - now I am just testing it out
Oh the things I learn when i am home sick and in my jammies lol

Saturday, March 24, 2007

**Ode To The Flu**

Tissues Tissues everywhere
not sure why I can blow no air

stuffed up nose and aching head
Why did I get out of bed

my body hurts and my nose is red
I think I wish that I were dead

I lay and cry and medicate
and all I can do is sleep and wait

Am I hungry or am I not?
All I know is that I am full of snot

I try to eat it's way too hard
I can't breathe at all
please someone send me a get well card

LOL I have been sick all week and just starting to feel better I have never slept so much in my life. I still feel blah and have no energy but at least I can function. Anyway I realized it has been a couple weeks since I wrote anything and that I have been really slacking with my blog so here i am!

from my perspective...tylenol flu night time is my friend

Saturday, March 10, 2007

as a lot of you know yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of when my dad died. He did have a tiny bit of Jewish roots (and when I say timy I mean tinly lol) But he was very proud of that tiny portion and was always talking about Isreal and Jeruselem and all that. So Yesterday I went and got a memorial tattoo with my dads name in hebrew (I didn't want to get just his name lol) Anyway it hurt but I kept thinking about the meaning behind it the whole time. Anyway here is a pic of me going through the pain. I believe in this picture I was staring at a little happy face someone doodled on the wall. I kept singing dancing queen in my head - not sure why but whatever helps ya get through the pain lol