Wednesday, March 19, 2008

missing pieces
put together
I was lost
and now I'm found
puzzle coming together

I have no idea where to even begin. A long time before my dad died he had a feud with the rest of his family and they cut him out. cutting a parent out quite often involves cutting the children off also - even if you never meant to. 2 members of my dads family came to his funeral. I have not seen any of them in years. I was always sad about that. Well I was facebooking and I got a friend request from one of my cousins (well 2nd cousins - the kid of my cousin) All my 1st cousins on my dads side are a lot older then me. Anyway long story short I am now in touch with Whitney, Kara and Stephanie. I have sent requests to Ted and Christopher as well. We are all planning on getting together this summer. I know it's not much but it is really the only thing I have and it feels like a peice of me that has been missing is coming into place. I know that none of my dads family even really liked him, the younger cousins I mentions probably barely even remember him. I guess this is going to be a journy but I just want to KNOW my family. I am happy and it kind of feels like home.