Can you believe someone threw coffee all over my car in my work parking lot? See this happened a couple days ago but I was not certain, however, a guy that lives across the street in the apartments that I chat with when he walks his dog said he saw them do it. Nice eh
life must be pretty boring when you have to preform random acts of coffee throwing
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Why is it so cold out - that just does not seem right
My toes feel like toecycles lol
went for lunch with Cheryl today
poor thing has such a bad cold and can't take anything for it
so we went to shoppers drug mart after and got her some
vitamin C (not the singer lol)
Tabitha wants me to go to the marsh with her tomorrow so she can see the turkey's
I told her friend or not if they came running she's on her own I'm outta there lol
Today is my last day on call - THANK GOD!
It's only been a week but it feels like a whole month
I have been working insane amounts and I can't wait just to get my days off and not have to talk to anyone from work
oh the joys of managment meetings they don't tell me about
or someone else doing the schedule and not even looking at peoples time off requests
then taking their day off only to let me deal with the complaints
then when I redo the schedule and post it for them to take it down and say it's not right
but not giving me a reason besides we need more coverage on wednesday because of the managment meeting - uh what meeting? I still don't know
from my perspective....i want a vacation
My toes feel like toecycles lol
went for lunch with Cheryl today
poor thing has such a bad cold and can't take anything for it
so we went to shoppers drug mart after and got her some
vitamin C (not the singer lol)
Tabitha wants me to go to the marsh with her tomorrow so she can see the turkey's
I told her friend or not if they came running she's on her own I'm outta there lol
Today is my last day on call - THANK GOD!
It's only been a week but it feels like a whole month
I have been working insane amounts and I can't wait just to get my days off and not have to talk to anyone from work
oh the joys of managment meetings they don't tell me about
or someone else doing the schedule and not even looking at peoples time off requests
then taking their day off only to let me deal with the complaints
then when I redo the schedule and post it for them to take it down and say it's not right
but not giving me a reason besides we need more coverage on wednesday because of the managment meeting - uh what meeting? I still don't know
from my perspective....i want a vacation
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ok so I thought I would share this little story with you all! Today is my day off so I thought hey, I'm gonna go out and see if I can get some good pictures for the Flickr assignment (on line photography group I am in). So I thought ok I will go to the Lynde Marsh in Whitby there is a lot of fun to be had there hand feeding the chipmunks and birds. So I stop at the store and buy a big bag of peanuts and head on over. So I was strolling along stopping every so often to play with the chipmunks and watch them shove peanuts in their cheeks and I kept hearing these unfarmiliar sounds that I figured was just the squirrels squacking - they do that you know. and so I venture deeper into the woods and start shaking the bag of peanuts to get the attention of all the critters when something catches my eye - somethings I should say and they are running straight at me - what in the world are they I think? Cranes?? oh my gosh they are getting really close - vultures? at this point I start backing up when I noticed there are like 6 of them - they are still running right at me - GOBBLE?? WHAT!! at this point I whipped the remaining peanuts at them and see a pack of wild turkeys pause to eat them and I HAD to snap a picture lol to prove it and then they started running at me again....I have never run so fast I was being chased out of the forrest by a pack of wild turkeys lol I passed a mother and her daughter and just said GOOOOOTURKEYS and we all booked it. I scared the little girl unfortunatley but once out of the forrest I could not stop laughing which makes it hard to catch your breath - will post the picture as soon as it is developed. Who knew assignments could be so dangerous?!
These are not the ones that were after me but they look exactly like them and there were about just as many lol
from my perspective...the marsh will never feel safe again lol
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I moved the car this morning to go to church then descided I was too tired having worked 16 hours yesterday and then called in again this morning for a couple hours before finding someone else to come in and I parked on the road directly in front of my house because steve was in the drive way and there was no visitor parking and when I came out to go to work again I had a 75$ ticket for parking in a fire route
from my perspective...i should have gone to church
from my perspective...i should have gone to church
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I should have knocked on wood or crossed my fingers or something because the midnight girl called in sick about 5 minutes after I posted my last blog - so I THINK I have it covered but nothing better go wrong tomorrow or I am jumping off the roof of my building onto someone's car lol - jokes but for real I will lose it
8 hours done - 8 more to go
I work too much
wish list:
that no one else would call in sick this weekend
that rent and car would pay for themselves so I could stay home and be a couch potatoe for a little while
that I would feel more appreciated
that I would know the words to say to express myself more assertivley (spelling??)
that the more you work the more you get what you want
for Roxy to win cash for life so she could take me on a vacation like she said she would - Roxy: "where do you want to go?" Beth: "you are talking and planning like you have already won" LOL
for my bed - I am soooooooo sleepy
that I would stop thinking that everyone at work craps on me
that I would start trying to remember that somehow, some way, hard work pays off - even when you are not getting a raise or better hours or weekends off
speaking of wishes the cutest thing yesterday my room mate's daughter said "Daddy? What do you wish for?" "grown up stuff Naomi - what do you wish for?" "skittles in a bowl" We all laughed
How simple things can be sometimes!
from my perspective...skittles in a bowl sound alright to me too
I work too much
wish list:
that no one else would call in sick this weekend
that rent and car would pay for themselves so I could stay home and be a couch potatoe for a little while
that I would feel more appreciated
that I would know the words to say to express myself more assertivley (spelling??)
that the more you work the more you get what you want
for Roxy to win cash for life so she could take me on a vacation like she said she would - Roxy: "where do you want to go?" Beth: "you are talking and planning like you have already won" LOL
for my bed - I am soooooooo sleepy
that I would stop thinking that everyone at work craps on me
that I would start trying to remember that somehow, some way, hard work pays off - even when you are not getting a raise or better hours or weekends off
speaking of wishes the cutest thing yesterday my room mate's daughter said "Daddy? What do you wish for?" "grown up stuff Naomi - what do you wish for?" "skittles in a bowl" We all laughed
How simple things can be sometimes!
from my perspective...skittles in a bowl sound alright to me too
Thursday, September 21, 2006
After I posted that first blog today I remembered how I wanted to write about the interesting souls that made me giggle today so here's to:
* the old man with the red plaid suit jacket, tan pants, white socks and black shoes
* the old man with a brown suit jacket and floral pants
* the young guy that looks like Napolean Dynomite who squats in front of tim hortons smoking cigarette butts that he finds on the ground
* the old man who looks like santa but dresses like a woman - wow did I do a double take white beard and all!
Sometimes I think living in Oshawa is dull and then I take a look around and am oddly thankful for these interesting splashes of colour that spice up the town. I think maybe people make fun of them or are creeped out by them because they are different, weird, not fitting into what society deems as "right". But really, how right would the world be if we were all the same? Maybe I was more blessed then I realized at the time to grow up the way I did. My dad being a pastor in a small town and he seemed to be the "weirdo magnet" He befriended so many odd or unlovable people. I like that I find amusment in looking at these people but even still I think they are special and am glad they are painting my town!
from my perspective...i am amused
* the old man with the red plaid suit jacket, tan pants, white socks and black shoes
* the old man with a brown suit jacket and floral pants
* the young guy that looks like Napolean Dynomite who squats in front of tim hortons smoking cigarette butts that he finds on the ground
* the old man who looks like santa but dresses like a woman - wow did I do a double take white beard and all!
Sometimes I think living in Oshawa is dull and then I take a look around and am oddly thankful for these interesting splashes of colour that spice up the town. I think maybe people make fun of them or are creeped out by them because they are different, weird, not fitting into what society deems as "right". But really, how right would the world be if we were all the same? Maybe I was more blessed then I realized at the time to grow up the way I did. My dad being a pastor in a small town and he seemed to be the "weirdo magnet" He befriended so many odd or unlovable people. I like that I find amusment in looking at these people but even still I think they are special and am glad they are painting my town!
from my perspective...i am amused
I got an e-mail today from a friend who read my blog and was going to comment there but then chose to send it in the e-mail. It spoke to me very deeply and I wanted to share it in case anyone else needed to hear the same words. Friend who wrote this you know who you are - thank you! You are a beautiful friend who said the right thing at the right time to encourage me and I am very touched:
"I know how you are feeling. My dad was cremated and his ashes were scattered in B.C. somewhere, so I don't have a headstone or anything to visit and have closure. It is tough to know that we will never see our fathers again, or have to travel far distances to feel somewhat close to them. Then I remember, I don't need a tombstone or a place to visit to remember my dad. I can remember him right here. In my head, in my home and in my heart. That would mean more to him than visiting some cemetary, or tree or river, or whatever. We can be angry at our families for keeping our fathers so far away, but in reality, they are closer to us now then they ever were. We think of them every day instead of once a week when we forgot to call, (or whatever, but you know what I mean). Afterall, the only relationship we have with God is in our heads and in our hearts, yet we can feel so close to him at times. I somewhat believe that my father can hear me when I talk to him too. That somehow God relays the messages to him. Maybe you believe that too. After all we are somewhat alike, so I know that you probably talk to your dad in your car when your driving home from work, or when you are getting ready for your day, all while crying for what you miss/ed. (I do it all the time) And praying for him, eventhough he is probably in a place where he doesn't need prayers anymore. I know how you feel today. I care and I hope you feel better. Don't let your step mom take the good away from you that you do have. I love you. "
"I know how you are feeling. My dad was cremated and his ashes were scattered in B.C. somewhere, so I don't have a headstone or anything to visit and have closure. It is tough to know that we will never see our fathers again, or have to travel far distances to feel somewhat close to them. Then I remember, I don't need a tombstone or a place to visit to remember my dad. I can remember him right here. In my head, in my home and in my heart. That would mean more to him than visiting some cemetary, or tree or river, or whatever. We can be angry at our families for keeping our fathers so far away, but in reality, they are closer to us now then they ever were. We think of them every day instead of once a week when we forgot to call, (or whatever, but you know what I mean). Afterall, the only relationship we have with God is in our heads and in our hearts, yet we can feel so close to him at times. I somewhat believe that my father can hear me when I talk to him too. That somehow God relays the messages to him. Maybe you believe that too. After all we are somewhat alike, so I know that you probably talk to your dad in your car when your driving home from work, or when you are getting ready for your day, all while crying for what you miss/ed. (I do it all the time) And praying for him, eventhough he is probably in a place where he doesn't need prayers anymore. I know how you feel today. I care and I hope you feel better. Don't let your step mom take the good away from you that you do have. I love you. "
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I went to Parkwood today
it's where I go to think or write or take photos
incidentally I did all 3 today
I got to thinking about my dad
well more about my step mom actually
I am hurt by her
for more reasons that I will mention on here today but the one that is the most at the moment is that she burried my dad so far away from me and my brother.
Ok I know you may be thinking that they lived in the states so that is where she would burry him, close to herself.
But then she moved across the country
she had all of my dads things and never told us where she went but that is a whole seperate issue for another day.
It hit me today that for 1 I have never been to his grave and 2 now that she is no longer there there is no one there to visit his grave. I kinda felt like he had been reduced to a headstone ya know.
This may not seem like such a huge deal but it really bothered me.
oh I have no idea where I am trying to go with this
I went there to try to think about where I am going in life and what I want to do and stuff
ya ok
random thoughts I know
from my perspective...i am confused today
it's where I go to think or write or take photos
incidentally I did all 3 today
I got to thinking about my dad
well more about my step mom actually
I am hurt by her
for more reasons that I will mention on here today but the one that is the most at the moment is that she burried my dad so far away from me and my brother.
Ok I know you may be thinking that they lived in the states so that is where she would burry him, close to herself.
But then she moved across the country
she had all of my dads things and never told us where she went but that is a whole seperate issue for another day.
It hit me today that for 1 I have never been to his grave and 2 now that she is no longer there there is no one there to visit his grave. I kinda felt like he had been reduced to a headstone ya know.
This may not seem like such a huge deal but it really bothered me.
oh I have no idea where I am trying to go with this
I went there to try to think about where I am going in life and what I want to do and stuff
ya ok
random thoughts I know
from my perspective...i am confused today
Friday, September 15, 2006
I am going to be somewhat of a Guinea Pig
Well I went to go for my 2nd eye surgery yesterday and when she looked at my eye she chose not to do it. What the lazer surgery was for was to zap the vessles in the back of my eye that were leaking and stop them from bleeding in the back of my eye. Looks like the first lazer did it's job. So then I am sitting there thinking why can't I see then but she answered my question before I asked. The reason is because I still have a pool of "liquid" as she called it sitting at the back of my eye which is why I have absolutley no central vision in that eye - no joke it was like how many fingers and the answer was I can't even see your hand. Anyway Dr. Baziuk then went on to tell me a few options I had and the cheapest one that from what I have been researching has a GREAT outcome but still very experimental is called Avastin. It is a drug used in colon and rectal cancer patience and don't even ask me how they figured out that it helps your eyes but if it helps me see then I am willing to pay the 200 bucks a needle. I would have to have 2-4 treatments, 1 every 6-8 weeks. It is not your every day needle in the arm though - oh no - it's IN MY EYE BALL. I considered posting a picture of the treatment on here but I thought perhaps you are sqeamish. If you are not you can go on google and check it out
all I did was type in avastin in the eye and clicked on images and boom there ya go. So I have to go for my 3rd Fluorescein angiography since march on October 17th (it is a test where they inject you with dye and photograph the back and inside of your eye) and then I will either need another lazer AND the avastin or just the avastin. If the lazer is needed it will be Oct 26 if it is just the needle it's the 19th
oh the drama one eye ball can produce - sigh
from my perspective...i just wanna see
Well I went to go for my 2nd eye surgery yesterday and when she looked at my eye she chose not to do it. What the lazer surgery was for was to zap the vessles in the back of my eye that were leaking and stop them from bleeding in the back of my eye. Looks like the first lazer did it's job. So then I am sitting there thinking why can't I see then but she answered my question before I asked. The reason is because I still have a pool of "liquid" as she called it sitting at the back of my eye which is why I have absolutley no central vision in that eye - no joke it was like how many fingers and the answer was I can't even see your hand. Anyway Dr. Baziuk then went on to tell me a few options I had and the cheapest one that from what I have been researching has a GREAT outcome but still very experimental is called Avastin. It is a drug used in colon and rectal cancer patience and don't even ask me how they figured out that it helps your eyes but if it helps me see then I am willing to pay the 200 bucks a needle. I would have to have 2-4 treatments, 1 every 6-8 weeks. It is not your every day needle in the arm though - oh no - it's IN MY EYE BALL. I considered posting a picture of the treatment on here but I thought perhaps you are sqeamish. If you are not you can go on google and check it out
all I did was type in avastin in the eye and clicked on images and boom there ya go. So I have to go for my 3rd Fluorescein angiography since march on October 17th (it is a test where they inject you with dye and photograph the back and inside of your eye) and then I will either need another lazer AND the avastin or just the avastin. If the lazer is needed it will be Oct 26 if it is just the needle it's the 19th
oh the drama one eye ball can produce - sigh
from my perspective...i just wanna see
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Today I am thankful for:
*The safe arrival of Pastor Jamie and Shannon's new son!!!
*Late night calls from special friends - even if they are the tearful HELP ME kind (I hope i helped you!)
*Potential job offers - keeping my fingers crossed
*The smell of bounce sheets on my bedding - I did not want to get out of bed this morning
*Books on CD - I am prepared for my eye surgery lol
*Tim Horton's coffee
*that I put make up on today
*Friends who visit me
*that I am single
from my perspective...I am counting my blessings (at least that way I am not complaining lol)
*The safe arrival of Pastor Jamie and Shannon's new son!!!
*Late night calls from special friends - even if they are the tearful HELP ME kind (I hope i helped you!)
*Potential job offers - keeping my fingers crossed
*The smell of bounce sheets on my bedding - I did not want to get out of bed this morning
*Books on CD - I am prepared for my eye surgery lol
*Tim Horton's coffee
*that I put make up on today
*Friends who visit me
*that I am single
from my perspective...I am counting my blessings (at least that way I am not complaining lol)
Monday, September 04, 2006

Just a quick prayer request. Please pray for Cheryl and Jay. They were married Aug 5th and without getting into a lot of details here they are not doing well. Please pray for Jay, his temper, and that he will learn to show that he cherishes his wife and pray for Cheryl as she is just a wreck at the moment and depressed. That she would know how special and loved she is.
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