Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It was heart breaking to watch you sob today.
to see you hurting so badly
I wanted to be able to say something to make it better
instead I said nothing that would help
but I rubbed your back and hugged you

I want to have faith in miracles
that God will heal your marriage
that you would not feel that you made a big mistake
but most of all that you would be happy again

the smiling giggling baby talking kind person that you are

I hope that a couple days at your moms helps put perspective in both your minds

from my heart is aching for my friend today.


Trish said...

Everybody thinks that marraige is going to be great, but we are tricked. Marraige is a huge roller coaster of emotions. I feel for your friend.

From my perspective...Never get married!

Trish said...

Im sorry Beth, I was thinking your friends marraige was going bad, not thinking it may be Ellen. Forgive me.