Saturday, October 28, 2006
"The best protection from infectious diseases (and the flu) is a robust immune system and healthy daily habits - NOT the flu shot.In fact, if you have taken the flu shot more than 8 times in the last 10 years you have an 80% chance of getting Alzheimers. Now THERE'S an encouraging fact!That said, get the facts about the flu shot. Although it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate facts from the hype created by the media and the government, the facts are out there.There are potential dangers to the flu vaccine. Two years ago I had a reation to the flu shot that made my head spin for 6 weeks - literally. I experienced Benign Positional Vertigo within 24 hours of the shot and I couldn't get out of bed.I would encourage you to do some research and consider visiting a Naturopathic Doctor. There are alternatives for staying healthy and you should look into them. "
So be very thorough in your research because I had NO IDEA. Not like any of you would have run out and got a flu shot just because I said to or anything lol. Just be informed!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I wish that the flu shots were not delayed - They are just starting to administer them to the long term health care facilities. Still not available to the common folk like us. I believe I am coming down with a flu/cold. I am such a flu shot advocatate too - I think they should have at least sent me one for being so preachy about getting a flu shot. Sigh. I go through spurts of tiredness and general run down feavery type symptoms. I sound like ScoobyDoo in the morning and I have a scratchy "gunky" throat. Maybe it is a low immune system from stress or working too much but I just want it gone. I cannot afford to call in sick tomorrow - I only had 3 shifts this week because I am getting my eye surgery on Thursday. Anyway - GET YOUR FLU SHOTS AS SOON AS YOU CAN!
from my perspective...i need a nap
Sunday, October 22, 2006
not enough
back at work right now
had fun times with rox and her grandma "if ya know what I mean" lol we said that after just about every sentance and even had grandma saying it too lol
too funny
had some "video therapy" on the drive home and put the video camera on the dashboard lol man we are really quite funny - maybe you would not think so but I really don't care lol
bed time stories
"I'll never sit on a slot machine chair again"
going for a drive to tims listening to dane and laughing histerically while the guys in the car next to us try to listen in - sheesh buy your own cd lol
singing like opera stars
literal actions - "some say loooooove it is a razer..."
I felt like I was a mess - pretty sure I looked like it too but Roxy didn't mention it and for that I am happy
pretty sad when you look forward to eye surgery to get away
from my perspective....i am tired
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
a quote from Tammy and Roxy
Yes, it is true, I can admit it. I am no longer the person I used to be. It's good to have friends to remind me that they miss the crazy old times me. How I was. Spontanious, photo taking, crazy, fun me. It is troublesome to have a mini intervention on my behalf - having my friends worry about my stress level and actually tell me they are taking me away even just for a road trip. I see the concern in their eyes and I know I work a lot - too much and I know work makes me cry and hurt and feel like puking. I don't know how I ever got to this point in my life where I do this. Answer the phone every time it rings, scared for my job if I don't work 10 days without a day off, where I actually permit them to question why I am not putting off things like eye surgery to suit their staffing coverage needs. When I stand up for myself getting the run around or being told somehow I MUST have been responcible - "approching the situation in the wrong way" - uh sorry I am going blind let me rethink how else I could approach that WITHOUT having to take time off for a surgery - WHAT EVER WAS I THINKING??
from my perspective...smashing on call cell phones and punching people is NOT an it?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
When I worked at minacs about 2 years ago I had a friend there who was also into photography and I made a deal with him and paid him 750 dollars in installments for his medium format camera. He started having some stress issues and attendance problems and then stopped coming to work altogether and well I never got the camera from him. I searched high and low to track him down and then just figured I had lost my money and tried to move on and forget about it. Anyway last night I was browzing through friends of my friends on myspace - ok ok I was bored and all and I happened to see his picture. My jaw dropped open and I sent him a nice little note asking about the camera and he replied to me today and he asked me where I want him to drop it off to me. I know it does not seem like much but this is the best thing that has happened to me lately. I'll probably just turn around and sell the camera now but I also asked him if he was still selling his digital slr - perhaps he would give me that one instead - that would be even better. Either way I am just glad that after 2 years I am finally able to be peaceful about that whole situation. So thats my story for today and I am glad
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Not sure what to say though
I had a job opportunity that came up but unfortunatley I did not get it
I went to my friends birthday dinner last night that was fun it was good to see some people I had not seen in a long time
I am feeling the urge to travel again and just get away from here and relax but I cannot afford to go anywhere.
Ok this has got to be one of the more pointless blogs I have written it's just nothing exciting has happened to me in a little while so I am not so sure what to say
from my perspective...i miss the sunshine
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My friend Ellen's Fiance Jeff passed away today.
He was in his early 30's (maybe 31)
He has a young son and Ellen's daughter who was like a step daughter.
There will be a "celebration of Jeff's life"
Held this Saturday in Jeff's favorite pub in Bowmanville
He is being cremated and the actual funeral will just be family.
Please continue to pray or send good thoughts out for Ellen and Jeff's family.
It's been devistating to them.
To think this started out as a cold that turned into pnumonia which turned fatal
makes you think
from my perspective...i am heartbroken for my friend
Monday, October 02, 2006
I finally had the meeting with the ethics guy and we have convinced his dad to agree with myself and his mom that Jeff deserves better then this. His quality of life is not good at all and he shows no signs of getting any better. The doctors all agree that his prognosis is pretty bad and that any improvements he does make will be minimal so, we have all agrred to remove his heart meds and let nature take its course.
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I cry a lot but I know that this is the one thing that I can actually do for is the ONLY thing I can do for him and it is what he wanted. That he expressed prior to this incident the fact that he never wanted to be this way made everything a lot easier then it would have been otherwise so my advice to all of you is to write it down somewhere and give it to your family members because this could have happened to anyone...the ethics guy said he sees it every day and it is super hard on the families who are left is much harder when they have different opinions on what should be I said...write it down and make sure people know what your choices are...I am sure that had Jeff not told someone other then just me...his dad would have fought me every inch of the way...he was just in denial and hoping for the best but it clouded his judgement for a know?! make a long story short...I am guessing that I will be hosting a funeral at some point within the next two weeks, but that is hard to call because it still all comes down to Jeff and his body's reactions to things so...I will let you all know if anything should happen...
from my perspective...this is such a hard thing for anyone to deal with or go through my heart breaks for her and the family so please remember them