I wish that the flu shots were not delayed - They are just starting to administer them to the long term health care facilities. Still not available to the common folk like us. I believe I am coming down with a flu/cold. I am such a flu shot advocatate too - I think they should have at least sent me one for being so preachy about getting a flu shot. Sigh. I go through spurts of tiredness and general run down feavery type symptoms. I sound like ScoobyDoo in the morning and I have a scratchy "gunky" throat. Maybe it is a low immune system from stress or working too much but I just want it gone. I cannot afford to call in sick tomorrow - I only had 3 shifts this week because I am getting my eye surgery on Thursday. Anyway - GET YOUR FLU SHOTS AS SOON AS YOU CAN!
from my perspective...i need a nap
The best protection from infectious diseases (and the flu) is a robust immune system and healthy daily habits - NOT the flu shot.
In fact, if you have taken the flu shot more than 8 times in the last 10 years you have an 80% chance of getting Alzheimers. Now THERE'S an encouraging fact!
That said, get the facts about the flu shot. Although it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate facts from the hype created by the media and the government, the facts are out there.
There are potential dangers to the flu vaccine. Two years ago I had a reation to the flu shot that made my head spin for 6 weeks - literally. I experienced Benign Positional Vertigo within 24 hours of the shot and I couldn't get out of bed.
I would encourage you to do some research and consider visiting a Naturopathic Doctor. There are alternatives for staying healthy and you should look into them.
Yuppers Beth, I definately agree with Paul. I have never had the flu shot to my knowledge....or maybe since I was a kid. And I haven't had flu type symptoms since I was a small child.
I know all these people that get them every year, and they end up with colds, fevers, and so on.....me, not a thing.
Imagine this....If the government ever wanted to get into human's systems for whatever purpose, like mass destruction, inject some type of virus to affect the whole world...what better way to do it, IN THE FLU SHOT!
I didn't know about those other risks, but that should say enough in itself.
A couple of years ago, when they were telling people to get their flu shots, they were talking in the background about a worldwide flu pandemic....I thoughts to myself...hmmm....what better way to cause a mass worldwide infectious disease, maybe infect every person that comes in to get their shots.
Just some food for thought!
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