www.jacobmoon.com Went with Roxy last night to hear Jacob Moon play in ajax. This was the 2nd time I have heard him play. He is SOOO talented. His voice is as smooth as peanut butter on hot toast (lol I just made that up) and his guitar skills are well they are just amazing! If you have time you NEED to check him out! And he is cute lol he does these cute little sholder wiggles and gets up on his tippy tioes when he plays lol I love watching people who FEEL the music like that. It was just super!

hey beth!
i knew you'd come over to blogger! it's great for those who want to learn a bit of html... well i don't know any... but i just copy and paste stuff in the template to add links to the side... and so i can put friend's sites as links or sites i like. etc. and i like the layout of blogger instead of things like xanga or my space or blurty.
hey, i went to Jacob Moon's concert last year at Missionfest and loved his music!!!!!!!! so inspiring! i have his cd and was actually just listening to it the other day. looks like he has a new one out that i don't have . is it good?
hey, we should set up roxy with him lol. he's not married...
He is too married and lets not forget a very important fact lol I AM SINGLE TOO!! I need settin up lol
Love you ali baa baa
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