Saturday, August 12, 2006

Worried about a couple friend today.

My one friend just got married and she is sad that it doesn't "feel" different and that her husband is not home a lot.

My other friend sent me the following e-mail about her fiance yesterday. I have been keeping in contact and the only change is that he opened his eyes once but that's about it.

I am using a computer at the Hospital for a minute just so I can give you all an update.

Here is exactly what happened...Jeff has not been well recently. I did convince him to go to the hospital finally on Sunday morning way in the early morning hours and they admitted him. They gave him antibiotics and monitored him etc. Then they released him On Tuesday morning around 11 and he seemed to be doing fine. He spent the day with his dad and Taylor and after work I went to pick him up. We went to a few car dealerships just to look around and see what was new...get him a little fresh air and a bit of excercise, nothing strenuous, just walking...he still was fine. We went home and he went outside to light the bar-b-q, when he came back in he grabbed a glass of juice and was joking with my mom about getting a regular excercise schedule/routine more laying around etc. He grabbed at his upper stomach like he had a pain then he seemed dizzy cause he grabbed the dishwasher for balance. I was behind him cleaning out the fridge, I heard my mom say something and I turned to see what was going on just intime to catch him as he fell backwards. Amazingly, I did not drop him...I was very proud of myself for that one...he is a tad larger then me afterall. Anyways, I gently laid him down and looked at me...his eyes roled back in his head and he gasped once then gurgled....I yelled at my mom to go call 911 and screamed for Jeffs dad who was outside....he strated going blue in the face and around his lips and I really started to panic....Bob made it in the house quickly and I'm sure I alarmed all the neighbours to the problem because we all know I have a huge mouth when I need too...LOL Anyways, we started CPR and the paramedics were there I would guess within approx. 10 minutes, they took over and had to use the paddles on his chest... They put a tube through his nose and into his lungs to help him breath, regulated his heart and took him to Bowmanville Hospital...They then airlifted him to Toronto General which is where we still are...he was too sick for them to handle...they say though that the CPR saved his I say I get a lifetime pass, free of any complaints, and he can never bitch at me again...I am sure he will agree when he finally wakes up.

He is on a resusitation system so it helps him with his breathing, his left lung has collapsed and is slowly refilling on its own...that is a good sign. Wednesday they had to use the paddles on him twice through the night and then about 15 to 20 times just before noon yesterday because his heart was beating in a way that could have killed him...they used the paddles so much and gave him the drugs to slow his heart down that once it actually took, they had to put a wire in his leg up to his heart and attach a pace maker because his heart beat was then too slow.

Thursday, they took him for a test on his lungs to find out why it collapsed as well as see if it going to get better, and another chest x-ray as well, then they stopped sedating him to give him the chance to come out of his coma and allow the neurologists to see if there is any damage there. They are unsure what will does not look that great but there is still hope...we still have to wait 72 hours from when they stopped sedation to see what happens...the tests yesterday show that there is brain stem activity but nothing in his actual brain. We have come to discover that the reason for the collapse was a clot in his heart. Pneumonia probably added to the stress and a combination caused the lung collapse.

I promise to keep you all informed of any updates...especially now that I know I can sneak in and use this computer every once in a while. Whatever you all do...please do not ask me to explain this in person because each time I try, I is just too hard to say all this out just makes it that much more real, you know? Anyways...I will talk to you all as soon as I know something more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has there been any more news?