Monday, October 29, 2007

The weather outside is grey and cold the last couple of days.
I am tired and sore.
I feel old.

I work alot but I have no choice
you have to work to pay the bills

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful I am employed and I like my job - for the most part

I just feel old.
I just feel bored.
I just feel uninterested.

Life is what we make it to be. I know that.
I just have not figured out how to make mine better or more fun yet.

How does someone meet people, new people, when they have wierd shifts.
For that matter - WHERE do young 30 somethings even hang out?

any suggestions? I thought about joining a club, a dance class.....anything but I find most of these things take place on the weekends and I work lol
