Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I found myself with some time on my hands this afternoon while waiting for the dryer to do it's job and I thought I would write a little something.


HA HA HA am I funny or what lol

I am thinking today about some things I have been appreciating the last couple of days

1. Ikea in the day time is not very busy
2. Christmas songs on the radio
3. unexpected gifts from friends - hellllllllo digital camera!!
4. even short visits with friends I don't see often
5. the ability to just say what I have been wanting to say for a while to someone and that someone recieving it in a positive way - I am glad I could say it and it made me feel better that you were understanding that I was not mad at you - just frustrated with the circumstances
6. that I can see almost perfect out of 1 eye - better then not seeing at all right
7. that I am not on call this week
8. that my grandpa was not seriously hurt when he fell down the stairs last week - he's still sore and has to use a walker at the moment but did not break anything
9. that I got the day off last saturday to spend with my family and jeff's birthday party. It was so good to just see extended relatives and their kids!
10. that joanne and ryan and the boys and NEW BABY will be here tomorrow!

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