Monday, May 22, 2006

I like Alfred Sung perfume in very small doses
1 spray and walk through
you know the drill

imagine this
A nice - almost full bottle of Alfred Sung
displayed nicely on a glass shelf in the bathroom in front of the kenneth cole new york bottle
yes - lets show off the 2 expensive perfume name brands
la dee da

now imagine if that shelf were to fall off the wall
for whatever reason
maybe it was tired just hanging around

imagine even further that when it falls nothing else breaks
Except one aforementioned almost full bottle of Alfred Sung perfume - only enjoyed by the owner in very small doses

my house REEKS like an over perfumed woman
come on you all know her
you walk behind her in the mall
get trapped with her in an elevator
sit next to her at work

yes -- her

obnoxiously nausiating
my house is freezing with all the windows open and my head is begining to hurt and I will smell like alfred sung fumes for who knows how long
maybe it's time to move?


Stacey said...

Oh no! There's nothing worse than the smell of an 'overperfumed' lady... Poor Beth! I would have to leave until it aired out! lol..

Anonymous said...

are you aired out yet?!?! LOL