Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ok so I went to the dentist today and got two fillings and then went to the opthomologist or however you spell it. Looks like I was right and my eye is getting worse. I have to go again to the hospital for ANOTHER florescein angiogram or whatever its called. It's where they put an IV in the back of my hand and inject me with an orange colour dye and then take photographs of the inside of my eye as the dye goes through my veins so they can see where there are leaks or gatherings of blood where there should not be. He had told me last time that it was inoperable and that there was no treatment so I am a little curious about why I am going through the bother of more testing but I have no idea. He said before that it was scar tissue and now if there is a blood leak somewhere I guess there is a treatment for the blood leak? Who knows it's just all very frustrating because my vission in that eye seems to be getting to the point where it's just all grey blobs. I can't read with it - very annoying. Just wanted to vent a little because to be honest I do feel rather helpless at the moment.

from my perspective...it feels like i am falling apart today

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