Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ok so it has been a few days since I last blogged but I am trying to adapt to a "if you can't say anything nice don't say nothing at all" mentality so I just didn't write anything.

It was nice to see Roxy after work today waiting for me when I came outside - even though she scared me because I was not expecting her lol

It was nice to talk to Joanne last night and find out baby number 3 is also boy number 3 - now just have to wait for his grand entrance!

It was nice to be able to work to pay bills even though work is just not nice - I have a job at least.

I think a tent in Alberta driving brats to school for 77 bucks an hour sounds like a fun adventure lol - come on are we not all about adventures?

from my perspective...i need way more adventure in my life

1 comment:

. said...

Sweety, you ARE on an adventure! The wind just knocks your tent down now and again. Or the rain makes it a little muddy, so you have to change locations. Thank goodness you didn't have to hike it to the new digs - you have a car! And just think about all the people you talk to on the're helping them!

It's not just about the destination, but the adventure! You are doing good, keep at it!